Saturday, May 17, 2008


I think I'm going to need a new computer soon. I had two presentations this past week and it took me probably three times the amount of time to finish each powerpoint due to my computer's speed. It's doing fine right now, but once I have more than... two or three programs open at the same time, it goes a bit (or a lot) sluggish.

It's crazy to think that the semester is almost over. Many of my classes end on Tuesday, three days from now. I think this is my last weekend in Barcelona. I might go to Marseille next weekend (if Jade ever gets back to me... Jade, I hope you're reading this although you probably aren't), then to Morocco the next weekend... and then to Portugal directly post that. After that, I'll be back in Barcelona for three-ish days to take my last exams and to go to the Daydream Festival (Radiohead!). And then... I start my train-taking around this continent. News: Jamie is coming to Europe for a month and will be joining me for part of the journey (Pamplona, southern France, Italy, and maybe Hungary or Croatia). Excitinggggggg!

So here are my temporary travel plans:

May 23-26: Marseille
May 27-30: Barcelona
May 31-June 3: Fes, Morocco
June 4-9: Portugal
June 10-13: Barcelona
June 14-July 5: France, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France
July 5-8: Pamplona, Spain
July 9-24: Southern France, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece
July 25-August 2: Mediterannean Cruise
August 3-5: Venice

So, to my lovely European friends who live in those countries... will you be around for me to visit you? I don't know who reads this, so I'll send you individual messages too. But do let me know! And of course, if anyone wants to/is available for traveling, I would love for you to join me!


1 comment:

Jamie Seiffer said...

I'm excited as well for our travels, it should be awesome.

P.S. Thanks for the drunk-Skype-dial.
P. P. S. Props for posting to your weblog.