Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May is here.

Alright, so once again, it's been awhile. I don't know how many people actually read this, but here's a little update of my life.

Since going to Madrid, a lot of things/not really anything has happened. I had a good amount of visitors, who kept me fairly busy. The first was Peter, who was here for a few days from London. We saw the sights, went to the beach, had gelato... you know, the usual. He got a crazy sunburn on his hands from reading outside or something equally silly. Next came Rachel and her friends from Brookline. Our big plan was to see Peaches perform at Razzmatazz, a huge club in Barcelona. So after some bevs at the Ovella Negra, we headed to Razz. But what?! She never came on. Yeah. Lame. Total disappointment, but luckily Razzmatazz is always fun, or at least it has been so far. Katherine was here the same weekend as Rachel, but unfortunately I didn't get to see her for more than a day. She and some friends from UNH were here so I let them do their touristy things, although we did meet for a yummy dinner in El Born. Jessie came to visit this past weekend. Maoz, Unicornius, Park Guell, Bar Marsella... and the beginnings of making the M.O.M. Want to know more? Ask away! Soooo, it was really nice to see everyone, especially since I won't see them again until August, at the earliest.

I also had some more CouchSurfing thingies. I met a guy named Massimiliano (Massi for short) from Italy. He was traveling in Barcelona for a few days and sent me a CS message to meet. He, being the master juggler he is, inspired me to buy my own juggling balls. I'm currently in the process of learning. I've always had juggling balls in the US and had tried learning when I was younger, but didn't put that much effort into it. Hopefully I'll finally get it this time.

Last Thursday I went to a CS meeting and met a ton of CouchSurfers from all over the world. I must say... I do love it. If you haven't heard of it, check it out at and let me know what you think. I'll be doing it pretty much all summer while I'm not staying with my UVM International friends. So anyway, after the meeting, I went to Feria d'Abril with some of them. It's a carnival or something with rides, food, and dance tents. I only took advantage of the latter since I literally only had one Euro on my person, but it was all in good fun and we went to Club Fellini afterwards. The meeting was an intercambio/language exchange that happens every Thursday. I'm looking forward to going tomorrow.

Summer is coming up soon... most of my friends at UVM are done with finals. My dad's doing his last week of classes and finals start on Saturday. I still have a few more weeks, but my last final is on June 11th and then... well, we'll see what happens. I haven't done any real planning yet, but I hope to visit people (you know who you are)!

I've gone swimming three times now.

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