Thursday, February 28, 2008

So it's been awhile, eh?

I guess a bunch of things have happened since my last post... most notably, another sighting of that thing. After class one day, I decided to walk back to la residencia to see how long it'd take (if you're curious, it was about 50 minutes). I was on one of the main streets in the city when I spotted him. That's right. This fella.

YEAH. I tried to follow it, but it was walking really slowly, so I snapped some photos and made my way home. The next day, Kerry and I were wandering around Plaza Catalunya between classes. She mentioned something about Juanes (the singer) and then suddenly screamed "There he is!" and took off running. Slightly confused as to why Juanes was still in Barcelona (he played a concert here a few weeks ago), I followed... only to find the one and only.

This time, he was pretty speedy, walking with a clear destination. We picked up the pace as he rounded a corner and entered a shopping mall. What the hey? Oh no! He see us on his trail! How embarrassing. What's this? A head removal? It's a boy, about our age. I asked him what h
e was doing and he explained that it was for some Canadian language school. The mascot or character or whatever was "lost" in Barcelona and there was some kind of scholarship for 8000 euros. Hot dang. Unfortunately, he was speaking in Spanish and I didn't catch everything he told us.

Alright, what else is new? Jade came to visit. For those who don't know who Jade is, she's pretty much the longest-time friend I had. We met on t
he first day of kindergarten. She's studying in Marseille this semester, so I'll definitely be visiting her at some point too. I took her to Maoz for some delicious falafel and then we had gelato.

Last Thursday was Carnaval for the residencia. In other words, another excuse for everyone to dress up in costumes and party. Just about everyone from my dorm went. In Spain, when you dress up for things, you dress up in groups, all in the same or matching costumes (see Alberto's blog for an entry when he and his friends were human mops). All of the girls in my program in the dorm were dressing up as fairies. Obvi, I did not want to be a fairy. Finally, after much debating about what to do regarding not being a fairy, I decided to dress up with two other friends from the program who live in homestays. We were Charlie's Angels (guess which one I was... ha ha), also not my first choice, but at least I got to kick some ass instead of prance around in purple tights and rainbow wings.

I didn't make it to class that Friday, which is too bad. It was Catalonian Art History which is my favorite class here by far. Like I said in the last post, it's definitely more interesting than ARTH 5 and 6 at UVM. Speaking of classes, the Catalan class has begun to lose its charm. Laia is awesome, as usual, but the class itself is really boring. Since it's half culture, half language, the learning of the language is moving really slowly. I feel like I barely know any Catalan at all, but whatevz.

I've gotten to know some of the kids from IES (a different study abroad program that has American students the residencia). On Friday, a few of us went to Tibidabo, but the funicular (tram that takes you up the mountain) was closed. We thought it was probably really far to walk, so we decided to go to see the fountain show at Plaza Espanya instead. Umm, unlucky day or what? The show was scheduled to start at 7:30PM. At 7:35 some dude announced technical difficulties and a 20 minute wait. We stayed to see it since we were already there, but it never came on! We returned to the resi... hungry, cold, and without a sweet fountain experience. Oh, one thing though. They were playing music and we heard lots of Disney songs in Spanish.

On Saturday, I took a train to Montserrat with Kerry, Allie, and Charlie. It was really awesome, especially because I've been in cities since I left Maine. We walked around on trails on the mountain, had our lunch, befriended and fed a stray cat, and took fun photos.

That night, everyone went to Mirabe, a club on to of Tibidabo. Apparently the walk up the mountain wasn't that bad afterall because we walked down it when we were going home. I met some Dutch guys who taught me things to say to Putri when I visit her.

This week went by pretty quickly. Yesterday, Kerry and I explored Poblenou and had a photo shoot in a playground. I don't have much else to say, but I guess I've said a lot already. Umm... I played soccer last week and actually enjoyed it for the first time in my life. I bought plane tickets to Madrid (first weekend in April) and Paris (last weekend in March). Most of our hostels for spring break are booked (Trapani, Taormina, Naples). I learned some breakdance moves from Thomas. I have a sore throat. I've been introduced to and have become addicted to The L Word. I put up two photo albums on facebook... check them out if you're bored. I suppose that's all. muchlove.


anita said...

you're not talking about a person called "laia serrats", are you? that would too much of a "what a small world" thing...

Laurita Does Europe said...

No, her name is Laia Rosas or something like that.