Wednesday, February 6, 2008

La Boqueria, Friends, Sitges, and Plane Tickets

Alright. Hola everyone, here's a better blog update, meaning not just boring things about going out at night.

So, let's do this in order of the heading. La Boqueria is this really awesome market off of L
as Ramblas. I haven't really bought much there because I don't have a refrigerator, but I love going there to look at the people and colorful food.

Fruits and Veggies! Strawberries! Peppers! Wall of Candy!

Friends, eh? Well, Sylvanus and Ben visited me with another Bologna studier named Mike. What a story this will be. We're not allowed to have people stay with us overnight in the residencia. Well, duh, how will they know? Right? Wrong. 24-hour surveillance plus 24-hour door people = bad for me. They got in successfully the first night and things were swell, but the next day, they came in in the morning and gosh darn, Ramon (Mr. Residencia) came to my door and told me they had to leave. I later explained to him that they didn't spend the night and had just come in (which was true! At least for that day...). Ramon seemed alright with it after my explanation and I gave CIEE a few days to contact me, but after they didn't, I felt pretty relieved, especially because their threat for rule-breaking was getting kicked out of the program. YESTERDAY, over a week later, I receive an email from who but Nicola, the CIEE staffperson who's in charge of housing. She wanted to "talk". It was scary, but I didn't get kicked out (obvi). There's odd tension between CIEE and me now though, at least for me, so I'm probably going to stay away from their offices now. However, Ramon and I are totally cool.

The weather here has been amazing. High 50s-mid 60s and sunny everyday, until last weekend when Taylor visited. It rained pretty much the entire time he was here. It was nice to see him though and I'll definitely be visiting him in Vigo later in the semester.

Last night, I went to Sitges with a few friends from the program. Sitges is a town about half an hour from Barcelona where an annual thing happens called Carnaval. It's basically a huge party that lasts for a week, similar to Mardi Gras. It was really insane... tons of people all over the place. In fact, I got separated from the group within five minutes of arriving, which kind of sucked. Luckily, I was able to find some other people I knew. There were a few people/groups that I saw periodically throughout the night, but strangely enough, I never ran into the people I went with during the five hours of wandering through the crowds. When I returned home in the morning, I found my shoes very dirtied, as well as lots of confetti on my person.

I bought my plane tickets for spring break today. I'll be going to Sicily, hooray! I don't have my return ticket yet though, yipes! Also, the cheapest ticket I could find was for the Thursday morning before break starts, which means I'll be missing some classes. I thought it'd be fine, but it turns out I have exams in two classes those days. Oops, what a mistake that was. I don't know why I didn't think about that... too bad the tickets are non-refundable. I'll try to get the exams moved, but if I can't, whatevz. Almost none of my classes will transfer to UVM to be worth anything anyway.

I suppose that's all, except that I finally bought a mic for my computer today so I can use Skype. If you think I'm cool, find me, add me, and we'll have a little chat!



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